Violet on youtube

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Treatment - Tube

Act 1

1. Protagonist (tube commuter) is walking down a long set of stairs in the London underground it is roughly 11:45 at night. Man arrives at destination which we find out to be embankment station.

2. Since it is late at night and the man has just been to a party he ends up falling asleep on one of the platform benches only to awake to find that the station is completely empty and devoid of any human life.

3. The man panicking uses a phone which is used to call the guard that runs the night shift. The guard however does not pickup and the only thing that is heard on the other end of the receiver is white noise.

4. By now the Protagonist is in a deep state of panic and is desperately trying to find a way out, however every exit he comes across is closed or blocked off. The Protagonist finally walks back to the station bench accepting the fact that he may have to spend the night in the station; Protagonist sees something scuttling about in the distance.

Act 2

1. Protagonist is seen sitting on tube train that is almost completely deserted apart from the odd tramp. Train finally arrives at station which we find out to be embankment.

2. Protagonist hurries off train and is quite unnerved at the fact that there is absolutely no one in the station even when he gets to the top level.

3. Protagonist then comes to the shocking realisation that there is not a single door open and that there is no way out of the Tube, Protagonist is visibly disturbed by this and starts to panic.

4. There are then several shots of a deserted Tube station; these shots then turn into shots of several tunnels which have very creepy and bizarre noises coming from them. We then see the Protagonist sitting terrified on a bench.

Act 3

1. Protagonist is talking on the phone to his wife and is telling her that he will see her in an hour. The man ends up running out of money and finds that he is disconnected from the call.

2. The Protagonist decides to make his way down to the platform to get the train.

3. Just as the man reaches the Tube train the doors slam shut and he misses the last train resulting in him being locked in for the night.

4. The man panicking tries to find a way out however just as he reaches the stairs leading out he hears laughing coming out of one of the tunnels that the train has disappeared into.

1 comment:

simon wallis said...

Reasonable yet main problem comming from the location.